Monday, April 13, 2015

15 Minute Suggestion

I have a tendency to come up with completely unrealistic challenges that then fizzle out by day 3. The first day I am all gung-ho and all over that challenge. The second day I have lost most of my interest in the challenge but I am embarrassed to admit that I was completely unrealistic about the challenge I created ($200 in 9 weeks...really???). Then by the third day, I slunk away and hope no one ever brings up the subject again.

This time around I am trying to be more reasonable. I have come up with a 15 minute suggestion. I am suggesting to myself that each evening I work on surveys and swagbucks for 15 minutes. If I can do more than that would be awesome but as long as I hit 15 minutes I will feel that I reached my daily goal.

My long term goal is that as I get used to the first 15 minutes, I can slowly add more time each day and get into a groove. I am never going to be able to do hours a day doing this but I will keep at it and I am excited to see my results at the end of the year.

Jen and I have a couple of goals that we would like to obtain with this challenge and blog. This year we would like to have these different sites help us fund our Christmas Budget. The other thing we would like to do (or at least me) is help pay for our vacation this coming Fall. Nothing has been decided but there has been talk of Disney!

We will get back to you next week (hopefully Monday) with the result of how our week went!

How do you guys handle challenges? Do you start small or go big? If you go big, how to you keep yourself motivated? We would love to hear in the comments about your challenges!